Schedule of Lectures and Discussions
Plenary Session, Thursday, October 29
Rockefeller Chapel
1156 E. 59th St.
6:00 p.m. Welcome by Robert Zimmer, President of the University of Chicago
6:15 p.m. Richard Lewontin (Harvard University): "Genetic Determination and Adaptation: Two Bad Metaphors"
7:00 p.m. Ronald Numbers (U. of Wisconsin): "Anti-Evolutionism in America: Scientific Creationism to Intelligent Design"
7:45 p.m. Marc Hauser (Harvard University): "From Where do Morals Come? NOT Religion!"
Sessions on Friday (Oct. 30) and Saturday (Oct. 31)
Ida Noyes Hall
1212 East 59th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
Biological Sciences, Max Palevsky Theater
Friday, October 30
9:30-10:10 Douglas Futuyma (Stony Brook):
"Evolutionary Ecology and the Question of Constraints"
10:15-10:55 Peter and Rosemary Grant (Princeton):
"Natural Selection, Speciation, and Darwin's Finches"
10:55-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-11:55 Douglas Schemske (Michigan State):
"Ecological Factors in the Origin of Species"
12:00-1:30 Lunch (at 12:30, lecture by Paul Sereno in the Palevsky theater: "Dinosaurs: Phylogenetic Reconstruction from Darwin to the Present").
1:30-2:10 Frederick Cohan (Wesleyan University):
"The Origins of Ecological Diversity in Prokaryotes"
2:15-2:55 Jerry Coyne (University of Chicago):
"Speciation: Problems and Prospects"
2:55-3:15 Coffee Break
3:15-3:55 Eric S. Lander (Broad Institute, Harvard & MIT):
"Genomics and Darwin in the 21st Century"
4:00-4:40 Philip Ward (U. of California, Davis):
"What Do Phylogenies Tell Us about Evolution?"
Saturday, October 31
9:30-10:10 Thomas Schoener (U. of California, Davis):
"The Newest Synthesis: Evolution + Ecology = EvoEco"
10:15-10:55 David Jablonski (University of Chicago):
"Paleontology and Evolutionary Biology: The Revitalized Partnership"
10:55-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-11:55 David Kingsley (Stanford University):
"Fishing for the Secrets of Vertebrate Evolution"
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:10 Neil Shubin (University of Chicago):
"Great Transformations in Life: Insights from Genes & Fossils"
2:15-2:55 Joel Kingsolver (University of North Carolina):
"Strength and Mode of Selection in Natural Populations"
2:55-3:15 Coffee Break
3:15-3:55 Hopi Hoekstra (Harvard University):
“What Darwin Did and Didn’t Know: the Ultimate and Proximate Causes of Evolutionary Change”
5:00-6:30 Reception
History and Philosophy, 3rd Floor Theater
Friday, October 30
9:30-10:10 Pietro Corsi (Oxford):
"Is History Useful to Darwin Studies? Reflections at the End of a Year of Celebrations"
10:15-10-55 Janet Browne (Harvard):
"Looking at Darwin: Making a Celebrity through Portraits and Images"
10:55-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-11:55 Robert J. Richards (University of Chicago):
"Darwin's Biology of Intelligent Design"
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:10 John Hedley Brooke (Oxford):
"'God knows what the public will think': Darwin and the Religious Response to the Origin of Species"
2:15-2:55 Eugenie Scott (National Center for Science Education):
"What Would Darwin Say to Today’s Creationists?"
2:55-3:15 Coffee Break
3:15-3:55 Philip Kitcher (Columbia University):
"The Importance of Darwin for Philosophy"
4:00-4:40 Daniel Dennett (Tufts University):
"Darwin's 'Strange Inversion of Reasoning': Confronting the Counterintuitive"
Saturday, October 31
9:30-10:10 Elliott Sober (University of Wisconsin):
"Did Darwin Write the Origin Backwards?"
10:15-10:55 Lynn Nyhart (University of Wisconsin):
"Geographic Isolation from Wagner to Mayr"
10:55-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-11:55 Richard Burkhardt (University of Illinois):
"Animal Behavior in Evolutionary Perspective: Two Centuries of Inquiry"
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:10 Jane Maienschein (Arizona State University):
"Embryos and Evolution: A History of Courting and Separation"
2:15-2:55 Michael Ruse (Florida State University):
"Is Darwinism Past Its 'Sell-by' Date? The Challenge of Evo-Devo"
2:55-3:15 Coffee Break
3:15-3:55 Kim Sterelny (Australian National University):
"Fate of the Third Chimpanzee"
4:00-4:40 William Wimsatt (University of Chicago):
"The Roles of Ontogeny and Population Structure in Theories of Human Cultural Evolution"
5:00-6:30 Reception